Very Nice dogshow weekend in Estonia with very nice friends and dogs !
”results 1x gold, 3x silver”
Estonia, 8.9.2012
Luige, judge Zidy Munsterhielm-Ehnberg,
Juniorbitch, 10 months, Elpianko’s Still Loving You ”Helmi” got JuniorCAC, best Junior,BB4
her mom Elpianko’s Amorentia Love Exc, opencl. 2., BB2.
Tallinn, 9.9.2012 judge Leif Lehmann Jorgensen
Juniorbitch, Elpianko’s Still Loving You ”Helmi” Exc, juniorcl2. BB3
her mom Elpianko’s Amorentia Love Exc, opencl. 2., BB4.
So proud of Helmi, she won her mom 🙂